Lightning Strikes: Timeless Lessons in Creativity from the Life and Work of Nikola Tesla


Praise for Lightning Strikes

“The topic -- Tesla, the man and his work -- is intrinsically interesting, enigmatic, and baffling, but your organization of the material and your style of delivery made your presentation (sans notes and visual aids!) wonderfully entertaining, informative, and thought-provoking.”

— Sarah Gawle

"I admit ignorance in the face of knowing what Tesla's actual accomplishments are compared to what Edison took credit for. Fortunately this book exists, which remedied that in a day or two-the time it took to read it. On the inside, it's even got supplementary material that you can download; there's a Nikola Tesla app you can get that when you use over certain pages plays video and adds to the reading experience. That's SUCH a Tesla thing to do, I absolutely adore this book even just for that. I got to know not only Tesla The Figure but also Tesla the Man. It was a complete guide to knowing what Tesla's enormous dreams are (like transmitting not only information but power WORLDWIDE wirelessly) and how he got so close to accomplishing them all. In some cases he actually did get there! For example, his AC motor is one of the most well-known and useful leaps in technology Tesla ever produced. Also fun fact: Tesla's grand experiments and dreams of grandeur inspired H.G. Wells to write War of the Worlds, and as an English Major I just think that's fantastic."

— Amazon Customer

"Excellent book. I liked how Wasik wove together the existing information on Tesla, with his own life experience, to tell the story of how this genius became a genius. The book wisely does not get bogged down in the details of the inventor's life, which has been well covered elsewhere. What also struck me, at least on the hardcover edition I had, as the production of this book. The text was combined with solid graphics, well researched photos, and a unique use of augmented reality. You can see and interact with several of Tesla's machines on your phone. Very clever. The book, I think, would be particularly interesting for young adults considering a life in the sciences or creative arts. Well done."

— Richard W. Mathias

"I am very impressed with John Wasik's book on Nikola Tesla - Lightning Strikes. It is very informative and interesting. I have read many books on Tesla and feel that John's book is very accurate and captures the essense of Tesla's legacy."

Founder and President
Tesla Coil Museum Exhibit Program


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